Act of Kindness

2 min readDec 10, 2020


Be kind

Assalam o alaikum! This is Ameer Hamza and today i am going to write one of my first medium blog about the topic “Act of kindness”. Basically , currently i am part of Amal fellowship and in this program i have to do a lot of tasks and activities. I had to perform a DIY activity which was part of one of my courses named “ Team work”.

Team work

The task which was assigned included doing some act of kindness and perform that activity in real life within 24 hours and then write and express about that act of kindness so here i am. So the tasks i have performed are as follows:

  1. Made resume for one of my friends.
  2. Helped a friend apply for an online job
  3. Gave a tip to one of my team member from amal fellow overcome procrastination.

Here are some of the glimpse from my activities:

Activity 1:

Resume writing

Activity 2:

In second activity i help my friend by describing him the procedure for an online engineering job. He was quite confused about procedure, so i thought it better to explain him step by step and did the same.

Activity 3:

Procrastination is something which we all are affected one way or another. We can avoide procrastination by organizing our routine. One of the tips i gave to make a to do list and stick to it at first and if does not work well be flexible with to do tasks but keeping in mind to put first thing first and if you think there is a tough task to do and you will lose yourself later do it now. Here is a glimpse from our session

zoom session

I really enjoyed doing these activities and hope to keep doing these such act of kindness in future as well. Signing off.

