Eat that frog with a Pomodoro

3 min readDec 31, 2020


Say hello to my little friend frogy!

Do not worry and do not be sacared.Neither I am going to eat my friend frogy and nor gonna let you eat it. Because I have some other plans. 😊

Ok so let me first introduce you to my friend frogy. Here you go with first surprise she is not a real “ Anura”. Uh oh a bit too scientific 😂. Its not real frog but our state of mind that keeps on jumping from one state to another and we procrastinate. And it becomes very difficult of us to sit at one place and concentrate on a particular task and ultimately we procrastinate a lot and have no control over time management.

Its not sand but time thats leaving your hands once you procrastinate

Here I disclose my plans to my friend frogy, we are going to send her somewhere for 25 minutes and then lets see how did we feel, lets do the experiment.

Lets drink that green magical potion, no its not frogy just got your attention 😅

Here is the experiment we are going to do, I am going to apply pomodoro technique to overcome procrastination.

Pomodoro is a time management technique in which you break down time into bits and start with working for atleast 25 minutes and take break of 5 minutes and get back to work.

There are some steps of the technique that I am going to follow:

  1. Remove all distractions
  2. Set clock for 25 minutes
  3. take a 5 minute break
  4. Get back to work again and reapt for four times
  5. After fourth time I am going to take longer breaks

So let dive into it , Ok my dear frogy getting ready.

So tasks what I did was completing my Mega course of writing a #superheroresume.

Lets get super!

I have tried the technique and I have to say that its quite difficult to focus at start but once you put your patience, will and persistance together it works as magic and you in no time do the task which you found difficult at first place. It really helped in keeping brain concentrated on task. Yes I am surely going to practise this technique in future as well. And i am going to reward me with something as I achieve the milestones after the end of the task. And being a foodie I am going to reward me with some snacks. 😅😍

Snacks time

Ok I am going to do some other tasks using this technique and will be rewarding me some home made fries. Ok guys bye.✌

